Mobile Applications for Everything

Choose any platform to launch your Mobile Application. VCISLIVE provides services in iOS and Android Application development

Platforms of our expertise

  • Android
    App Development

    App Development
  • IOS
    App Development

    App Development

Enterprise Mobility

  • Flexible process in App Development

    Conceptualization & Wireframes

    We start by defining a clear goal for the app development and then convert the idea and features into wireframe structures for clearer picture.

  • Multi-platform app development

    UI Design & Development

    Our creative head designs the UI based on the wireframes, then translated into functioning User Interface that is ready to be implanted on app.

  • In house App Developer

    Development & Integration

    A server side logic is developed that is used to create the backend of the app. At this stage the app is integrated with third party sites for payments handling.

  • App Evaluation


    Creation of web services for caching of data locally to improve speed of the app, data synchronization so app can be accessed offline and push notification services to engage users.

  • In house App Developer

    UAT Testing

    We test the final app to make sure it can handle required tasks in real-world scenarios, free from any bugs, deliver high performance and provide seamless user.

  • App Evaluation


    Our apps are built in compliance with Apple & Google guidelines making it easy for you to enroll in their respective Developer Program and easily submit your app.
